This year’s Canoecopia event is always a winter highlight for thousands of paddlers, myself included.

After the year we just faced, your community needs you and you need it. Get registered for only $15 and attend more than 70 presentations. Best of all, unlike previous years where you had to choose which presentations to see and which to miss, you’ll be able to see everything this year. You’ll have access to most presentations for 60 days following Canoecopia.

I’ll be there (virtually) with you leading four different presentations.

  • 12-Mar 1:00pm Perfectly Pack your Kayak for a Multi-Day Trip
  • 13-Mar 12:00pm 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Started Kayaking
  • 13-Mar 2:00pm Group Leadership for Amazing Day Trips
  • 13-Mar 4:00pm Power to the Paddle: Exercises to Improve Your Paddling

Get your tickets now

Learn to get the most from this year’s show


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