Exercises Kayaking Video

Do your feet fall asleep in your kayak?

I’ve had many people tell me that their feet fall asleep when they’re kayaking.  For many people, the cause of this isn’t actually at the feet, but it’s a result of tight hamstrings and glutes. If the hamstrings and glutes are overly stressed or inflamed, additional pressure is placed on the nerves causing pins and …

Canoeing Exercises Kayaking

Resistance Band Exercise: Row, row, row your boat

I’ve had a few requests recently to show exercises that can be done using a resistance band.  For those who aren’t familiar with resistance bands, they’re pieces of rubber tubing with handles on each end.  You can find them in different thicknesses which will create diffrent levels of tension.  Resistance bands are an excellent tool …

Exercises Video

Core Stability Exercises for Paddlers

Strengthen your core and you’ll strengthen your paddling abilities.  Many people, when thinking of how they can improve their ability as a paddler through exercise automatically turn to the arms and shoulders.  While yes, strong and stable arms and shoulders are critical, the real work should come from your core. Most people narrowly define the …
